12 Mar Run harder they said, you will be fine they said: this is the part you find out what it really takes.
Runners, check. Enthusiasm and energy, check. Injury free/resistant body…
Remaining injury free for those that participate in regular running, requires a few key steps.
The main reason running related injuries occur is because our bodies can’t cope with the stresses we place on them. These stresses are only increased as more km’s are ran week to week.
The ability for our bodies to cope is dictated by how strong we are and by the characteristics of how we move. Strength routines that focus on trunk (core) and global leg strength including hip and gluteal strength, help with the management of and in the prevention of injury.
As we build our training km’s, fundamental movement patterns can leave us vulnerable. Although a well debated topic, the number of steps we take and the manner and area in which we make contact with the ground, can have an influence on loading efficiency and impact stress.
Making changes to running technique can be an important component of injury management and prevention. It is important to note that running retraining often results in the ‘shifting’ of a stress to another area of the body. Therefore any running technique change, should be applied under the guidance of a trained professional, such as a Physiotherapist.
There is no silver bullet however once an understanding of the components of injury and risk are appreciated, easy steps can be taken to keep any passionate runner running, for years to come!